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I am a media and communication scholar with expertise in new communication technology for developing nations and research background in development-related communication issues. My research focuses on telecommunications and critical information and communication infrastructure in the Pacific Islands region.

Countries of experience: Australia, Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea

Languages: English (mother tongue), Melanesian Tok Pisin (fluent), Yapese (basic), Nepali (basic)

Employment highlights: ​

Research Fellow, Department of Pacific Affairs, Australian National University, August 2019 to current

Lecturer, ANU-UPNG project, January 2017 to August 2019

Mobile Communications Research Consultant, Economic and Public Sector Program, Papua New Guinea, November 2011 to February 2016


Lecturer in the Communication Arts Department of Divine Word University in Madang, Papua New Guinea, 2004-2007


Program Manager, 2RPH, Sydney: Radio for the Print Handicapped of NSW, Sydney, Australia, 2002-2004


Convenor and Lecturer, Radio Broadcasting unit for Masters students, Centre for International Communication, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, second semester 2004


Audio Engineer, NS Media: North Supply Business Communications Systems, Sydney, Australia, 2000-2003


Media Trainer, Yap Media Department, Yap, Federated States of Micronesia


Various roles at ABC Radio, Sydney, Australia

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